Thursday, January 17, 2013

NGI - Conclusion


  • Evaluate Mr. M's teaching of National and Global Issues and offer suggestions
  • Offer advice to seniors before they head off into the world
  • Be happy
  1. NGI Reflection
    1. Due to technically difficulties, we'll do this part as a brief discussion rather than in writing.  I'd like you to think about a few things.  Use the list of lessons on the right bar as a reminder of our major topics/units this year.
    2. What were the best lessons and topics in NGI?  Why were those so important/effective?
    3. What were the least effective lessons and topics in NGI?  Should these be improved or removed, and if so how/why?
    4. How would you rate the two major out of class projects (Debate/Speech).  Did you feel that Mr. M adequately prepared you for these lessons?
    5. Any other big suggestions for Mr. M?
  2. Top Ten - Advice To Seniors (PowerPoint)
  3. Note Card
    1. Write a message - any message - to Mr. M
    2. Signing this message is optional

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

V For Vendetta (Day Two)

  • Explain the causes, effects, and historical context of terrorism

Monday, January 14, 2013

V For Vendetta (Day 1)

  • Explain the causes, effects, and historical context of terrorism
  1. Current Events
    1. Poll: Most Americans support new gun-control measures after Newtown massacre
    2. Obama: No negotiations with GOP over debt ceiling
    3. White House Rejects Death Star Petition
  2. Speeches
    1. Remaining Speech Presentations
  3. Terrorism
    1. PowerPoint - A Brief History of Terrorism
      1. Haardt & Negri
      2. The Long War
  4. V For Vendetta
    1. Introduction
    2. Film

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Speech Presentation - Day 3

  • Explain the causes, effects, and historical context of terrorism
  1. Current Events
    1. The best thing about a Treasury Secretary Jack Lew
    2. CFPB releases new mortgage rules in bid to reduce risky lending
    3. Biden cites broad agreement on ‘universal background checks’ for gun buyers
  2. Announcements
    1. Speech projects are due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 9th
    2. Presentations will occur from Wed to Mon.  If you are asked to present and are not prepared, you take a 5 point penalty (10% of the grade) and are put back in the pool of candidates.
    3. Isabel will be leading the class today
  3. Terrorism
    1. PowerPoint - A Brief History of Terrorism
    2. Terrorism Worksheet (if time)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Syria - Part Two

  • Explain the major causes and events of the Syrian Civil War
  1. Current Events
    1. A surprising map of the best and worst countries to be born into today
    2. Obama’s nominations of Hagel and Brennan signal course adjustments at Pentagon and CIA
  2. Announcements
    1. Speech projects are due tomorrow, Wednesday, January 9th
    2. Presentations will occur from Wed to Mon.  If you are asked to present and are not prepared, you take a 5 point penalty (10% of the grade) and are put back in the pool of candidates.
    3. Isabel will be leading the class today
  3. Syria
    1. PowerPoint - Syria - Part One
    2. Frontline:  "The Battle For Syria"
    3. Discussion
  4. Speech Prep
    1. Any remaining time will be reserved for speech project preparation

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Syria - Part One

  • Explain the major causes and events of the Syrian Civil War
  1. Current Events
    1. Obama to nominate Chuck Hagel for defense secretary
    2. Syria’s Assad is defiant in rare speech
  2. Announcements
    1. Speech projects are due on Wednesday, January 9th
    2. Please carefully remove any propaganda your country's wall and place it on the middle table.
    3. Please remove any cards from your country's binder and sort them on the front table.
    4. Isabel will be leading the class today and tomorrow
  3. Syria
    1. PowerPoint - Syria - Part One
    2. Frontline:  "The Battle For Syria"
    3. Discussion
  4. Speech Prep
    1. Any remaining time will be reserved for speech project preparation

Thursday, January 3, 2013



  • Provide a brief introduction to terrorism
  1. Current Events
    1. White House seems poised to retool deportation laws
  2. Announcements
    1. Speech projects are due on Wednesday, January 9th
  3. Terrorism
    1. West Wing - S3E1 - "Isaac and Ishmael"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Public Policy Speech - Part 2


  • Analyze strategies for giving an effective speech
  1. Current Events
    1. The fiscal cliff negotiations, in one chart
    2. Christie, Republicans slam Boehner for delay on Hurricane Sandy relief measure
  2. Announcements
    1. Turn in your Arab Israeli Conflict Reflection by the end of class today
  3. Speech Projects  (due Tuesday 1/8)
    1. Example Speeches  
    2. Discuss Strategies
    3. Work on speeches individually

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Public Policy Speech


  • Analyze strategies for giving an effective speech
  1. Current Events
    1. Wonkbook: Everything you need to know about the fiscal cliff deal
    2. Cliff deal hits a new snag with House Republicans
    3. John Green explains the Politics of the Fiscal Cliff (Youtube)
    4. House passes the Fiscal Cliff Deal
  2. Announcements
    1. Arab Israeli Conflict is currently being graded.  You'll see your scores in a few days, but it takes a lot of time to do so fairly and properly.
    2. The remainder of this class is going to focus on a few topics.  You will have one more test.
      1. Speech Projects
      2. Terrorism
      3. Syia
  3. Speech Projects  (due Tuesday 1/8)
    1. Review Expectations / Answer Questions
    2. Example Speeches  
    3. Discuss Strategies
    4. Work on speeches individually